
Project Showcase

Project Literacy

Literacy and promoting the concept of Service above Self

To purchase and distribute 750 books "Excited to Serve" by Benecia Club President Elect Andre Lewis to local schoolchildren to...

Project Second Chance

Adult Literacy, Basic Education & Literacy

This project will serve adults who live or work in Contra Costa County and need literacy instruction by providing updated,...

Project Stay In Your Home

Maternal & Child Health

Project Stay in Your Home 2019/2020 is to keep 50 individuals and families from becoming homeless by keeping them in...

Project Stay In Your Home 2021

Maternal & Child Health

Providing financial assistance to assist people who have for various reasons fallen behind in their rent or mortgage, help them...

RCWC - Ruth Bancroft Garden - Jesse Smyers

Basic Education & Literacy

The Ruth Bancroft Garden is a world-renowned 3.5 acre garden located in Walnut Creek housing a collection of succulents, and...

Rebuild Paradise Rotary Club's Community Support Infrastructure

Promoting the Rotary Clubs Image and Provide Community Support

Paradise Rotary Club lost all their Community support equipment and storage facilities in the Camp Fire. The equipment such as...

Refrigerated Van for Loaves and Fishes

Homeless, Maternal & Child Health

Purchase a used van with refrigerated box that will enable Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa to address an unprecedented...

Replanting Trees in Stanislaus NF

Environmental Improvement

Replanting Trees in Stanislaus National Forest and Berkeley Tuolumne Camp Stanislaus National Forest Rim fire restoration, near Yosemite The El...

Rotary Centennial Park Playground Structure

Community Facilities for Children

The Rotary Club of Chico Sunrise proposes to fund, and assist with installation of, a substantial, large, and durable piece...

Rotary Centennial Park Slide and Seating

Promoting safe outdoor recreation for children and families

The Chico Noon Rotary Club requests funds to assist with the purchase of a safe outdoor slide and a bench...