“Hungry Children can’t learn”. The School Pantry is like a grocery store at school, where hungry families can “shop” for fresh food free of charge with warm fellowship, recipe-sharing and solidarity – no questions asked. This school pantry is run by our partner non-profit White Pony Express, and has already proven to be a successful model. This grant would help them expand the number of schools served. The 11 schools are located in low income areas (80% or more children get free school lunch) in Contra Costa County. There is a hands on service opportunity for Rotarians to help distribute food and support the organization in this effort. We anticipate a number of local clubs joining our project. This project also affects the following other areas of focus: Saving Mothers and Children, Growing Local Economies, and Environmental Sustainability. We should also get publicity since White Pony Express has a following on Social Media and traditional Media also has published articles about their work. Rotary purchased one of their refrigerated delivery trucks and it carries the Rotary logo today on all of our local roadways.
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