RotaCare Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Grant application, Alamo Rotary is the lead club Project Description The Pandemic Impact on RotaCare Bay Area Free Medical Clinics. Grant Request for RotaCare Free Medical Clinics personal protective equipment (PPE) and Diagnostic Test Equipment Need for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): The recent Covid-19 pandemic has shifted how health care clinics are/will be conducting business and seeing patients. There will be many processes and behaviors that will change as more is known about the impact of Covid-19. This grant for PPE equipment, no contact thermometers, and the Abbott ID Now diagnostic testing equipment will ensure the clinics have appropriate PPE and testing equipment. Additionally, the clinics will be providing flu vaccines. In Rotary District 5160, (Richmond, Pittsburg and Concord) there were over 4,000 patient visits last year. In addition, there are over 200 volunteers in the three clinics and all volunteers and patients need to be protected. With this need the Rotary Club of Alamo and support from 10 additional clubs is submitting this Rotary District 5160 2020-2021 Grant application so that the three RotaCare Clinics in Concord, Pittsburg and Richmond can be equipped to serve their uninsured and under served patients. It is anticipated that with the high unemployment rate, more individuals will have lost their health insurance and will be in need of the medical services provided by the RotaCare Free Medical Clinics. RotaCare clinics seeing patients: RotaCare clinics will be acting proactively to prepare for the upcoming flu season and potential impact of Covid-19. Moving forward, there will be an emphasis on triaging patients, more PPE for patients and staff, and a change in how patients are seen in the clinic. During the current quarantine, RotaCare clinics have transitioned to telephonic appointments; however, some patients still require in-person evaluation and treatment. The ability of RotaCare clinics to do these in-person patient appointments has been impacted by the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE). At this time, only the Concord RotaCare Clinic is able to conduct limited in-person visits, dependent on availability of PPE. RotaCare Bay Area Free Medical Clinics: RotaCare Bay Area Free Medical Clinics are a volunteer-driven organization that provides free medical visits to the uninsured and underinsured population. RotaCare Bay Area has ten clinics, with three located in Contra Costa County in District 5160. The clinics see patients for urgent care, acute and chronic conditions, including diabetes, hypertension and asthma. In these challenging times and moving forward, RotaCare will continue to provide quality care to its patients. It should be noted that many of the Clinic volunteers fall into the vulnerable population category which makes it even more important to be sure that each clinic is properly equipped with PPE.
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