Project Goal(s): Make Foster Youth transition easier. Many leave foster care system with nothing and the goal is to supply adult life essentials to live on their own.
Brief Description Of Project: Each year a number of Yolo County Foster Youth age out of the Foster Youth system. Our goal with this project is to supply each of them with a duffle bag filled with life-essential items that will help them through the process of moving out on their own and becoming independant. It is our hope that this is one positive step towards preventing homelessness.
Other Comments: Don Easton and his wife adopted and raised 7 children from the Foster Youth system. This project and another Rotary Christmas project were started by Don after he joined Woodland Sunrise Rotary in 2008.
What’s Included With the Kit:
- Laundry room, Bathroom, Classroom, Kitchen Essential Items.
- Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Soap, Bath Towel, Two Wash Cloths, Laundry Soap, Dryer Sheets, Laundry Mesh Bag, Manicure Set, Sewing Kit, First Aid Kit/Band-Aids, Hair Brush, Hair Ties.
- Dish Soap, Kitchen Drying Towel, Pot With Lid, Drinking Cup, Fork, Spoon, Cutting Knife, Measuring Cup, Cutting Board, Can Opener; Storage Containers, Plastic Bags, Trash Bags, Traveling Coffee/Tea Cup With Lid, Bowl for Soup, Toilet Paper, Playing Cards.
- Thermoflask, Utility Knife, Personal Alarm, Toiletry Bag. Packing Cubes, Dental Kit, Paracord Scrub Brush, Bar Soap, Cabela Duffel Bag, Utility Knife, Sleeping Bag.
- Notebook Regular Size, Pens, Notebook 6×9 Size.
- Carrying Container for Bath Supplies (Left Over From Last Year).