Weaverville Rotary Club installed trash receptacles (modified wine barrels) 35-40 years ago. There were originally 20+ barrels. Do to many years of use and exposure to the elements, there now are 10 barrels and they are marginally functional. The club has taken on a receptacle replacement as a high priority in 2022-23. The project is an expansion of the club’s 2021-22 grant that added locally fabricated bike racks to Historic Downtown Weaverville. Both projects are a blend of function and form — of building on the historic nature of downtown Weaverville (the entire downtown is on the federal register of historic places. The goal is to replace the 10 existing trash barrels with 10 new receptacles that meet the following: 1. consistent with the architectural requirements of downtown 2. ergonomic for county solid waste staff 3. approved by Caltrans through an encroachment permit (the downtown sidewalks are in Caltrans right of way) To meet these three goals, the club will work closing with county planning staff, county solid waste, downtown businesses (through the Chamber of Commerce) and Caltrans (the club has experience with encroachment permits from the bike rack project). The first 4 months after grant award will be spent finalizing the design, using either an “off the shelf” commercially produced receptacle or preferably a design that allows us to use the same design features from the bike racks (2021-22) which would further enhance the “placemaking” design features. Concurrently the team will work on and finalize the archetectural review approval with the County Planning Department, complete an MOU between the Club and the County Solid Waste Department and secure an encroachment Permit from Caltrans. The MOU will identify that the Club will replace the existing receptacles (barrels) with new ones and continue to provide basic maintenance as we have for about 35 years and that the Cunty will continue to collect the trash as they have done for 35 years. The Encroachment Permit will authoize the placement of new receptacles. Note: A file “response to Comments” was uploaded into the Documents on June 6 2022.
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