
Girls’ Empowerment Day

Area of Focus: Basic Education & Literacy

Lead Club Name: Oakley

Lead Rotarian: DaoJensen, Thuy

Year: 2022-23

Project Budget: $6,800.00

DDF Grant Amount: $2,800.00

In coordination with the Oakley Union Elementary School District, the Rotary Club of Oakley will host the 1st Annual Girl’s Empowerment Day in March 2023. In recognition of International Women’s Day, 300 8th grade girls in Oakley will celebrate by participating in social activities with their peers, to visualize career options, and to listen to a group of (6) women of diverse backgrounds panel speak about their education and career pathways. The (6) panelists will feature diverse women leaders in the community. Professional women from diverse backgrounds will be chosen as speakers to discuss the struggles they face in their professions, their educational background, and answer questions from 8th grade girls. Each panelist will be chosen to inspire young women to pursue their future goals and aspirations. A mental health expert will be one of the panelists to speak to the young women about pandemic related mental health stress. The Oakley Rotary Club will be working closely with the Superintendent and (2) middle school principals to ensure the event is well publicized with full attendance.

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