Capes4Heroes delivers superhero capes for kids with disabilities and/or life threatening illnesses to help give them a boost of encouragement, strength and of course, lots of fun!
Capes4Heroes® was created four years ago when Barbara Casados’s autistic son Maddox refused to wear anything but a superhero cape. Quickly, Barbara bought a sewing machine and taught herself how to sew and made lots of different capes for Maddox. It wasn’t long before other parents at Maddox’s special needs school saw the impact the superhero capes had on him and asked Barbara to make capes for their kids. Wanting to help other kids in need to feel empowered, Barbara put together a team of seamstresses and began making superhero capes for children all over the county! To-date, Capes4heroes have delivered over 1,500 capes! The cost are funded by donors and offered to kids at no financial obligation. Go to NEGU.ORG/FUNDRAISE and start your our fundraising for courageous kid fighting cancer. Never Give Up.
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