
B Walker Ranch Irrigation Project

Area of Focus: Basic Education & Literacy, Economic & Community Development

Lead Club Name: Rossmoor (Walnut Creek)

Lead Rotarian: Jensen, E. Patrice

Year: 2023-24

Project Budget: $27,000.00

DDF Grant Amount: $15,000.00

B Walker Ranch is a non-profit that provides an educational program for adults with autism who have aged out of the public school system. This program has multiple facets including, but not limited to occupational therapy, cooking, art, animal husbandry and horticultural. Our project will address the irrigation needs called the Water Transfer Irrigation System. The Ranch has access to two portals to the irrigation canal which runs along the property. The project will include: pumps, pipes, holding tank and sprinklers for a 10.63 acre property. We have been asked to fund the holding tank.

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