
Oakley Senior Center Landscaping

Area of Focus: Economic & Community Development

Lead Club Name: Oakley

Lead Rotarian: Martinez, Vera

Year: 2020-21

Project Budget: $5,000.00

DDF Grant Amount: $2,500.00

Purchase and install water-wise landscaping for the Oakley Senior Center. The property, formerly home of the Oakley fire station, is fronted by a 1,200 square foot weed patch desperately in need of beautification. The project will greatly enhance the old downtown neighborhood and be consistent with surrounding residential properties. The project has strong support from the City of Oakley, Diablo Water District and multiple providers of materials and supplies being offered at discounted or no cost. Extensive media coverage via print and online (social and commercial) will ensure maximum public relations boost for Rotary and the Rotary Club of Oakley.

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