Approximately 57 homeless students and 12 foster care students are enrolled at College Park High School in Pleasant Hill, California. These students are considered to be at-risk because they lack many of the tools necessary to succeed in school. They often come to school without adequate shoes or clothing. Some cannot afford to do laundry. They may not have eaten breakfast and lack the money to buy snacks. Many are not able to afford school supplies, athletic uniforms, or transportation to and from school. School administrators have been meeting these needs on an ad hoc basis for years, often at their own expense and without reimbursement by the Mt. Diablo Unified School District. This grant will provide at-risk students at College Park High School with the basic items that they need to succeed in school: shoes, clothing, food, personal hygiene items, paper, pens, pencils, binders, backpacks, athletic gear, and bus or gas cards for transportation to and from school. The grant budget is $10,000, roughly the same amount that was spent by school administrators during the 2018-2019 school year. This amount will fund at-risk students’ needs for one school year. The purpose of the grant is to give homeless students and foster care students what is necessary to succeed at school: those basic supplies that their families cannot afford and which are not provided by the school district.
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