RotaCare Richmond, A free medical clinic with a volunteer staff serving uninsured poor patients in Richmond, is at a crossroads. We are confronted with long term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic which is a game changer, likely to require us to practice social distancing and strict hygienic measures that will be lasting. This will challenge our ability to use the limited existing space given our large staff. and multiple programs. Poverty levels and the number of those that are unable to afford health insurance are expected to rise dramatically and this should increase the demands for our services. Before the Covid 19 pandemic we added programs and our space needs had grown. Our host, the Family Justice Center, has also grown and and there is neither room nor flexibility to expand further. This storm of circumstances has made it clear that we will need to find a new location and new partners. Design of an optimal space is key to the process so that we can function in a configuration that will address social distancing and the hygienic needs of our patients, our volunteers, and our programs. This grant outlines processes of visioning, consultation with experts, identification new directions that health care will likely take and a search for a partner to share the space and costs. It also outlines a search for suitable space and will allow for development of an architectural layout, with schematic plans and preliminary construction sketches and documents needed for zoning and planning department approvals. We will also set forth a budget and fund raising plan.
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