
Home Team for Seniors

Area of Focus: Seniors

Lead Club Name:

Lead Rotarian: Coordinated Through Lamorinda; HOA


Project Budget: $100-500 per year

DDF Grant Amount:

Rotary Home TeamTM provides basic home maintenance to seniors at NO CHARGE. The goal of the program is to identify seniors in the community who need assistance and to coordinate volunteer Rotarians to visit and make any necessary repairs they may need.

For many seniors, common household repairs are no longer easy to do on their own. Family members may not be able to help, and the ability to pay someone for the repairs may not be possible either.
Rotary Home TeamTM can assist with common maintenance issues such as:
* replacing hard to reach lightbulbs
* changing smoke alarm batteries
* fixing a leaky faucet
* repairing sticky doors
* adjusting handles or cabinet drawer pulls
* resetting tripped circuit breakers
* and many other small repairs

Rotary Home TeamTM!
Call the Rotary Home TeamTM to be scheduled for their next work day, usually the last SATURDAY of every other month (subject to change). On the Rotary Home TeamTM work day, a team of volunteer Rotarians will come to your house to help with your minor household repairs.

Rotary Home TeamTM volunteers will always introduce themselves with appropriate identification. They will review your maintenance needs with you, and ask you to sign a simple liability waiver. And don’t worry, our volunteers will arrive with everything we need to get the job done. In the event our team cannot help you with your needs, we’ll be
sure to provide you with referrals to qualified professionals that can.

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