According to educators, students who meet grade-level reading standards by third grade are more likely to succeed in school. The efforts were focused on third-graders because that is such an important milestone in a child’s educational life. The dictionaries are used at school and at home to become good readers and writers. A label inside the first page mentions all the names of the participating Rotary Clubs.. Rotarians present the dictionaries to student in their classrooms and talk about Rotary and the services we provide to the community.
A Teachers Comment:
Support of the dictionary project is an opportunity to serve our youth and community in a very unique and personal way–representing something that each student can hold in their hand, read, learn, understand, and even savor, apart from the electronic age.
A student Comment:
“Thank you so much for the dictionary- It is really helping me. It just makes me feel like every time I use it I am getting smarter and smarter” Selena, Third grade student
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